Multiple bestselling author, life coach, entrepreuner and teacher of Meditation, Qi Gong and Yoga helping you transform your life and making the impossible thing possible.

I believe that we are all capable of making the impossible thing possible.

I have to be honest with you… I haven’t always been on this spiritual journey. For over 20 years I was working in the top Fortune 500 companies in both banking and industrial sector all around the world but always on change transformation. Even though from the age of three I practiced Shaolin Kung Fu it was only after my Samadhi experience (“Awakening:) that I have a strong calling to dedicate my life to help people because we are all ONE. 

Have you ever wished you could transform your life in just one second?

After a journey of self discovery, I found a secret that transformed my life completely, a secret that I want to share with you.

How could I possibly build the wellness company Mindbodism, develop a mobile app for it, write a self help book, lose 7 kilos, and launch the basketball plaform “Basketble” in just three months, while I was working full time in a bank and had to care for my newborn baby?

The answer is that I discovered “The Power of One Second” which is also the title of my book, and I applied this formula to achieve everything I wished for. Following that my life grew exponentially in a very short period of time.

There is no better time to transform your life than this second.

Believe it or not, there will be a point in time your life is going to significantly change – in just one second. Now, imagine that instead of doing nothing, or doing something based on your moods, you use the POWER of one second to direct your energy and actions into something you intentionally want to achieve.


We are all capable of making the impossible thing possible. We can all be happy by looking inwards. We can live a life where everything is a miracle.


Negative thinking, judging others because when you understand you forgive and everyone is fighting their own battles.

You can find me

Building new businesses, helping other people, practicing Qi Gong, Yoga and Meditation, learning or experiencing something new, listening audiobooks, dancing salsa, having fun with my family.


Morning exercise while listening an audiobook followed by cold shower, meditation and eating a healthy breakfast. Swim on the beach, walk in nature and connecting with my family are my favourites.

The Power of One Second is believing you only need a moment- one second - to change your life.

Now, every second has a purpose, and every second has power, and with this power, you can take control and transform your life. You can become the person you always wanted to be, and you can achieve anything that you want, a lot faster.

This is a very powerful secret.


I know exactly how you feel because I have been there.

Do you want to reach your dreams but you do not know how?

Are you tired of working hard but without seeing any results?

Do you lack of energy or willpower to pursue your dreams?

And even if you do, do you stop shortly after you have started?

I realised that when you train your Body, rewire your Mind and awaken your Spirit miracles will happen every day.

Throughout my journey I discovered that you can change your life in one second, and that is why through my books, online courses and “Mindbodism”, I reveal concepts and strategies, that have helped me and thousands of people become healthier, happier and more successful.

And you can be one of them.


There Is A Way You Can Live Your Life Where Everything Is A Miracle.

Having an Engineering degree, Masters in Operations, and an Executive MBA and working in the Industrial and Financial industry for over 20 years it impossible to believe in miracles because logic does not allow it.

Until one day in just One Second a miracle happened and I became “Awakened” when an electrical energy travelled upwards inside my body and I felt the feeling of Bliss and Oness. I felt LOVE is the force that connects us all. And the only way to find yourself is to look inwards.

My intention is to show you can you can transform your life in one second, how to find the willpower to start something you always procrastinated, how to motivate you to continue when life is dragging you down and how you can live a life where everything is a miracle.

Remember “the journey of a thousand miles begins with one second”. So, use this second NOW to transform your life and I will be there to guide you. 


I learned how to transform my life to become healthier, happier and more successful.



The Power of One Second

My Spiritual Reality


watching: Life of Pi

drinking: Buddha smoothie

reading: Bhagavad Gita

craving: My grandmothers cheese pie

listening: Rachmaninoff


Alexis Zen is the bestselling author of The Power of One Second, Transformation and Productivity Expert, life coach, teacher of Yoga, Meditation and Qi Gong and founder of and


His mission is to reveal concepts and strategies that have helped him and thousands of people become healthier, happier and more successful.

He wants to inspire others to achieve anything they want and reach their full potential and live their dream life. Alexis believes that you can transform your life in one second and it is possible for everyone. He strives to inspire others to take control of their lives, find bliss and happiness by looking inwards, practice gratitude, and move in the direction of their inner callings.

Speaking and Events

Alexis is a motivational speaker and his inner calling is to dedicate his life to help people achieve their full potential and find happiness by looking inwards.

His events are highly empowering, and engaging, inspiring the audience to turn their dreams and passions into reality by teaching them the secret Power of One second and the Formula of Achievement.

Alexis uses an interactive speaking style — using stories, and practical tips and advices that his audience can use in one second. Participants not only will start change their mindset and understand why everything is possible but will know the steps they need to follow to take their life to the next level.

Some of Alexis’s favourite topics to speak on include how to use The Power of One Second and the Formula of Achievement so you can create, manifest and live the life of your dreams, mindfulness and meditation and finding your life purpose, how to start when you are procrastinating, how to continue your goals when you are about to stop, how to achieve without making sacrifices and how to live a life where everything is a miracle.

Alexis is available for bookings for keynote presentations, workshops, Q+A style live events, festivals, conferences, educational talks in schools, intimate gatherings and more.

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I love to share practices that help you Train Your Body, Rewire Your Mind and Awaken Your Spirit so you can be Healthier, Happier and more Successful. And believe it or not it is possible to change your life in 1 second if you know how....